What is cat neutering?

Neutering is a gender-neutral term meaning that we remove the sex organs from the cat. It can be a female or a male. Spaying is where we actually remove the ovaries and the uterus from the female, and neutering is the term for when we remove the testicles from the male cat. This prevents them from being able to reproduce.

Dr. Becka Byrd
Northern Oaks Bird & Animal Hospital

Cats are very efficient reproducers. They will reproduce pretty much year-round, although more so in long days than short days, and they can get pregnant immediately after having a litter. They reproduce exponentially compared to other species, and that's why cat overpopulation is such a problem, particularly here in South Texas, because we have a lot of long days. We do not have a lot of cold short days where it's dark early.

What are the health impacts of getting my cat neutered?

Neutering impacts the health and well-being of cats because we end up with mammary cancer, pyometras, uterine cancer, and a lot of issues with mastitis, where their breast tissue gets infected. Male cats are prone to roam and can spread diseases such as FIV, which is spread through fighting because male cats are very territorial. Those who have had cats with abscesses know this is true.

What are the behavioral impacts of having my cat neutered?

Males will always mark a house. If we have a male that's unneutered, it's almost unbearable to live with as their urine has such a strong odor.

How soon should cats be spayed or neutered?

Cats can be spayed and neutered at 16 weeks. That is the standard for what we do. We want to make sure that they never have a chance of reaching that phase where they're going to get pregnant, impregnate somebody else, or where they start having an odor around your house and start marking things or go out and have that fighting instinct.

Will it affect their behavior if their I get my cat neutered?

Only in that it makes them less aggressive, less territorial, and less likely to mark everything. In females, when they're in heat, we see incessant howling, yelling, rolling around, and very strange behaviors. In males, we see them howl because they want to get out and breed. It is instinct and what nature does to them. If we remove that, then they are happier, calmer, and want to be pets. Our females are the same way.

What health conditions can neutering my cat help?

Conditions that can be prevented by spaying or neutering include the health issues mentioned earlier. There are a lot of health issues that we can really help prevent by simply spaying or neutering these pets.

What care is needed before and after neutering my cat?

Before and after spaying and neutering, there's minimal care. The biggest challenge we have is having owners become compliant and keep their cones on their kitties or their pajamas on. Cats are instinctual and will try to lick any area that's a little bit itchy. The biggest challenge is keeping that cone on and having owners follow through on that. Donuts and inflatable collars don't work because cats can reach around them. We have to prevent them from actually reaching their incision sites, leaving them alone, and keeping your pet indoors during the time they're healing.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (210) 496-1315. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram